Monday, December 17, 2012

BSET Update

Just a note about BSET education.  The latest issue of the Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), Fall 2012 issue, Volume 29, No. 2 has several key articles about ET.  Check out the article called Engineering Technology National Forum: An Action Arm of ETC for National Impact.

One key facts that emerged confirming what I said in an earlier blog is that most BSET grads are employed as engineers.  This is not a surprise to most of us who have a bachelors in technology degree.  I worked as an engineer for many years after the degree and so has most other BSET grads.  The companies need engineers and for most available jobs the BSET is perfectly fine.

While you are looking that issue, also see the other excellent piece called On Engineering Technology Education: BS to PHD.

The JET is a publication of the ASEE.  I get the print copy but you may be able to read it online at  If not, you need to join ASEE.


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